I was on a walk this morning and it suddenly struck me just how much core, distinctive Mormon doctrine has virtually disappeared from modern-day Mormonism. A few examples: Gift of tongues: In the early days of the Mormon church, the Gift of Tongues meant exactly...
What in the world has made religion such a fixed and compelling part of human existence? In my experience, people are religious for one or more of the following reasons: Birth: They are born into it, and thus are indoctrinated to believe and obey at a very young age...
A few things we learn from the psychology literature: One’s sexual orientation is generally not a choice, and acceptance of one’s sexuality is associated with health and well-being.  (One reference: Navigating Sexual and Religious Identity Conflict: A Mormon...
Journal of Counseling Psychology:Â Sexual Orientation Change Efforts among Current or Former LDS Church Members Close to 70% of LGBT Mormons attempt to change their sexual orientation. Â Even though we usually think of psychotherapy as the main way of attempting...